Monday, August 30, 2010

free entry, welcome!

Well, for the beginning of introducing my thoughts and work of art, let me say, I just wish to share a bit of me, telling the stories, or just a try... will see if it's on a good way. Welcome!

I feel all your pain, as if it's mine, when you put your hand and hold in mine, if you keep your eyes watching my steps, not let me to make any big mistakes...

a road to noman's land, deGamine 2010

ty nie si ty, všetko je väčšie, už ani len odraz na hladine, už ani úzky chodník od nikial nikam, neuchopíš to vlastným chcením, neprevidíš krížom cez, neprehodíš kameňom na druhú stranu, bez toho, aby to nezasiahlo čokoľvek iné, čo nevidíš...

you are not you, all is bigger, not even reflection on water table, not even narrow path from nowhere to nowhere, you cannot hold it by your will, you cannot see across, you cannot throw over to the other side, not without striking anything else you do not see...

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